froodle wrote in
Oct 20, 2020 19:30
I hope nobody's got an appointment with the optician coming up, because you might find yourselves freaking out when she asks you to read the little eye chart. Don your GM2020s, everyone... it's time to Just Say No Fun!
discussion: episode,
place: bf skinner junior high,
char: dimsdale,
trope: mind control,
comm event: rewatch 2017,
char: principal togar,
char: marilyn,
ep: just say no fun,
discussion: character,
char: nancy,
char: mars,
char: edgar,
char: syndi,
char: simon
froodle wrote in
Jan 19, 2018 19:30
This is it, guys; the final episode! Reality Takes a Holiday, possibly the one episode besides Foreverware that everyone remembers!
discussion: episode,
comm event: rewatch 2017,
char: marilyn,
char: mister radford,
discussion: character,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
char: dash,
char: syndi,
char: simon,
ep: reality takes a holiday
froodle wrote in
Jan 12, 2018 19:30
Sigh. Roll on 2021, when maybe we can all watch this episode again without feeling sick.
char: the donald,
char: elvis,
comm event: rewatch 2017,
char: marilyn,
char: mister radford,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
char: simon,
cryptid: zombies,
char: melanie,
discussion: episode,
trope: mind control,
ep: zombies in pjs,
place: world o' stuff,
discussion: character,
char: dash
froodle wrote in
Jan 05, 2018 19:30
Here's another of my all-time favourites! Hand your hard earned wages over to Orville Redenbacher, and let's watch the Loyal Order of Corn!
cryptid: aliens,
trope: cloning,
char: ned,
discussion: episode,
org: loyal order of corn,
comm event: rewatch 2017,
char: marilyn,
char: mister radford,
discussion: character,
char: mars,
char: edgar,
char: dash,
char: simon,
char: mayor chisel,
ep: loyal order of corn
froodle wrote in
Dec 15, 2017 19:30
Time to check out the fifty-first haunted structure in your town, because tonight we're rewatching the Hole in the Head Gang.
actor: john astin,
place: bank of eerie,
org: foreverware ladies,
comm event: rewatch 2017,
char: marilyn,
char: mister radford,
char: winifred swanson,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
char: simon,
cryptid: ghosts,
discussion: episode,
char: grungey bill,
place: world o' stuff,
place: old hitchcock mill,
ep: hole in the head gang,
discussion: character,
char: fred suggs,
char: nun,
char: dash